My Year in Books 2017
Sun 31 December 2017I took only one course at Queen's in 2017:
- CISC 102 Discrete Math for Computing I
Highly Recommended
The standout books for me in 2017:
- Harris, Dan. 10% Happier. Day Street Books, 2019.
Not Recommended
As always, these are books that did not strike a chord at this time. Some of them I will likely re-read. I often find a second reading at a different time can make all the difference. Sometimes you are just not yet ready for a particular book.
- Epstein, Mark. Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart. Harmony, 1999.
- Goldstein, Joseph. Insight Meditation. Shambala, 2003.
- Harris, Sam. Waking Up. Simon & Schuster, 2014.
- Hough, David L. Proficient Motorcycling. CompanionHouse Books, 2013. Most of this book is filler.
Everything Else
These are all worthwhile:
- Cowen, Tyler. The Complacent Class. St. Martin's Press, 2017.
- Dodek, Adam. The Canadian Constitution. Dundurn, 2016.
- Hamilton, Peter F. The Reality Dysfunction. Orbit, 2008.
- Harris, Sam. The Moral Landscape. Free Press, 2011.
- Kasparov, Garry. Winter is Coming. PublicAffairs, 2016.
- Kim, Gene. The Phoenix Project. IT Revolution Press, 2018.
- Leckie, Ann. Ancillary Justice. Orbit, 2013.
- Malcolmson, Patrick. The Canadian Regime. University of Toronto Press, 2016.
- Parks, Lee. Total Control. Motorbooks, 2015. The only motorcycling skills book I have read so far that I recommend.
- Simmons, Dan. The Fall of Hyperion. Spectra, 1995.
- Stephenson, Neil. Snow Crash. Del Ray, 2000.
- Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy). Unwin, 1988.